Download Trailblazer by NGL (Original PDF, Audio, Videos, Resources). Level : Pre-A1 to B1+, Up to 12 Teaching Hours/Week, International English.

Trailblazer cultivates critical thinkers, readers, and writers and provides the language support they need to be ready to study subject-matter content in English. Trailblazing students take meaningful action beyond the classroom by developing the ability to shape their own answers to life’s big questions, and to view these questions through multiple perspectives.
A multiple literacy approach helps prepare students for meaningful real-world interaction.
Authentic non-fiction, globally diverse fiction, and information presented through multi-media inputs prompt students to think critically and apply their language and skills to real-world contexts.
The real-life stories of National Geographic Explorers inspire a new generation of trailblazing students to make a positive impact on their community.
Assessment of English language skills and strategies helps instructors to track learning outcomes, and students to meet their learning goals, including success on international exams.
Integrated digital tools for every stage of teaching and learning are available on the Spark platform.
All National Geographic Learning programs have assessment resources to support teachers as they place students, monitor students’ progress towards learning outcomes, and deliver tests and exams.