Wider World | American Edition, 5 Levels (Original PDF, Resources) | Pearson

Download Wider World, American Edition 5 Levels (Original PDF, Audio, Video, Tests, Resources).

Wider World American Edition is the portal to a fascinating world of English language knowledge and skills for 21st century learners. The combination of authentic and engaging videos from the BBC with Pearson’s ELT expertise gives teenage learners everything they need to achieve their goals in the wider world.

Wider World, American Edition 1 - Original PDF, Resources

Wider World AME 1 Student's Book + Workbook.pdf
Wider World AME 1 Teacher's Book.pdf

Wider World AME 1 Audio | Tests | Videos
Wider World AME 1 Exams | Lesson Plan
Wider World AME 1 Photocopiables

Wider World, American Edition 2 - Original PDF, Resources

Wider World AME 2 Student's Book + Workbook.pdf
Wider World AME 2 Teacher's Book.pdf

Wider World AME 2 Audio | Tests | Videos
Wider World AME 2 Exams | Lesson Plan
Wider World AME 2 Photocopiables | GSE Mapping Booklet | Irregular Verbs

Wider World, American Edition 3 - Original PDF, Resources

Wider World AME 3 Student's Book + Workbook.pdf
Wider World AME 3 Teacher's Book.pdf

Wider World AME 3 Audio | Tests | Videos
Wider World AME 3 Exams | Lesson Plan
Wider World AME 3 Photocopiables | GSE Mapping Booklet | Irregular Verbs

Wider World, American Edition 4 - Original PDF, Resources

Wider World AME 4 Student's Book + Workbook.pdf
Wider World AME 4 Teacher's Book.pdf

Wider World AME 4 Audio | Tests | Videos
Wider World AME 4 Exams | Lesson Plan
Wider World AME 4 Photocopiables | Irregular Verbs

Wider World, American Edition Starter - Original PDF, Resources

Wider World AME Starter Student's Book + Workbook.pdf
Wider World AME Starter Teacher's Book.pdf

Wider World AME Starter Audio
Wider World AME Starter Exams | Lesson Plan
Wider World AME Starter Photocopiables

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