Impact, Second Edition (British English) [Download Original PDF + Resources]

Download Impact, Second Edition (British English) [Original PDF, Audio, Video + Resources].

The new edition of Impact enhances authentic communication through updated National Geographic content, integrated language instruction, and lessons that develop social skills and speaking strategies. More practice opportunities and scaffolding, now closely aligned to the CEFR, help learners to better practice and improve language outcomes. Enhanced coverage of key international curricula and exams develops the literacy skills, critical thinking, and learning strategies students need for academic success.

All National Geographic Learning programs have assessment resources to support teachers as they place students, monitor students’ progress towards learning outcomes, and deliver tests and exams.

Impact 1, Second Edition (American English) [Original PDF + Resources]

Impact 1, 2E (BRE) Student's Book.pdf
Impact 1, 2E (BRE) Workbook.pdf
Impact 1, 2E (BRE) Cutouts Games.pdf
Impact 1, 2E (BRE) Graphic Organisers.pdf
Impact 1, 2E (BRE) SB
Impact 1, 2E (BRE) Workbook
Impact 1, 2E (BRE) Writers Handbook.pdf
Impact 1, 2E (BRE) Answer Keys SB +WB
Impact 1, 2E (BRE) Irregular Verbs List
Impact 1, 2E (BRE) Reading Texts
Impact 1, 2E (BRE) Scripts
Impact 1, 2E (BRE) Videos
Impact 1, 2E (BRE) Vocabulary List

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