American Speakout | 6 Levels | Pearson 2014

Download American Speakout by Longman Pearson – General English Course for adult students 2014 (PDF, PDF, MP3, DOC, FLV, DVD-EXE).

American Speakout by Longman Pearson

American Speakout follows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.

Key features:

Authentic, real world language, challenging activities and recycling of language builds student confidence in understanding context and communication.
Video clips and interviews on the street expose students to a wide range of language and accents, familiarizing them with English as it is spoken.
Course encourages students to talk and write about their own experiences to help them as they practice.
Clear objectives in every unit help students focus on what they will achieve so they can see how they are improving.

Speakout gives students practice in working collaboratively and building communication skills that are essential for study and the workplace.
GSE/CEFR mapping helps students track their progress and see the relevance of what they are learning.
Student Book with DVD-Rom: – Ten to twelve units in each level with 90 to 120 hours of teaching material; – Comprehensive Language Bank with detailed explanations and extra practice (Photo and CommunicatIon Bank) and Vocabulary Bank to expand vocabulary; – Audio and video scripts.
Class Audio CD: – materials for use in class that include international accents and authentic listening texts
Workbook: – Additional grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation exercises to complement material in the Student Book; – Additional functional language practice exercises; – Additional reading, listening and writing practice; – Regular review sections.
Teacher’s Book with Resource & Assessment Disc: – Teacher’s notes for every unit with warm-ups, fillers, alternative suggestions, culture notes and answer keys; – Generic teaching tips on useful areas such as grammar, lexicon, American pronunciation, using video, etc.; – Photocopiable grammar, vocabulary, and functional language worksheets for every unit; – Class audio and video scripts, tests and answer keys.
ActiveTeach: – includes integrated whiteboard software that allows you to add notes, embed files, save your work and reduce preparation time.

American Speakout Starter - PDF, Resources

American Speakout Starter Students book.pdf
American Speakout Starter Workbook.pdf
American Speakout Starter Teachers Book.pdf
American Speakout Starter SB Audio CDs
American Speakout Starter WB Audio CDs
American Speakout Starter Video

American Speakout Starter Teachers Resource Pack

American Speakout Elementary - PDF, Resources

American Speakout Elementary Students book.pdf
American Speakout Elementary Workbook.pdf
American Speakout Elementary Teachers Book.pdf
American Speakout Elementary SB Audio CDs
American Speakout Elementary WB Audio CDs
American Speakout Elementary Video

American Speakout Elementary Teachers Resource Pack

American Speakout Pre-Intermediate - PDF, Resources

American Speakout Pre-Int Students book.pdf
American Speakout Pre-Int Workbook.pdf
American Speakout Pre-Int Teachers Book.pdf
American Speakout Pre-Int SB Audio CDs
American Speakout Pre-Int WB Audio CDs
American Speakout Pre-Int Video

American Speakout Pre-Int Teachers Resource Pack

American Speakout Intermediate - PDF, Resources

American Speakout Intermediate Students book.pdf
American Speakout Intermediate Workbook.pdf
American Speakout Intermediate Teachers Book.pdf
American Speakout Intermediate SB Audio CDs
American Speakout Intermediate WB Audio CDs
American Speakout Intermediate Video

American Speakout Intermediate Teachers Resource Pack

American Speakout Upper-Intermediate - PDF, Resources

American Speakout Upper-Int Students book.pdf
American Speakout Upper-Int Workbook.pdf
American Speakout Upper-Int Teachers Book.pdf
American Speakout Upper-Int SB Audio CDs
American Speakout Upper-Int WB Audio CDs
American Speakout Upper-Int Video

American Speakout Upper-Int Teachers Resource Pack

American Speakout Advanced - PDF, Resources

American Speakout Advanced Students book.pdf
American Speakout Advanced Workbook.pdf
American Speakout Advanced Teachers Book.pdf
American Speakout Advanced SB Audio CDs
American Speakout Advanced WB Audio CDs
American Speakout Advanced Video

American Speakout Advanced Teachers Resource Pack

American Speakout Starter - ActiveTeach
American Speakout Elementary - ActiveTeach
American Speakout Pre-Intermediate - ActiveTeach
American Speakout Intermediate - ActiveTeach
American Speakout Upper-Intermediate - ActiveTeach
American Speakout Advanced - ActiveTeach
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