Barrons IELTS 5th Edition is an IELTS preparation for the current IELTS Exam. The book will provide you with 6 full-length practice tests, plus downloadable audio. You will also get Answer explanations for every question (Book + Audio CD).

You can study the material in this book in many ways. You can study it in a class; you can study it by yourself starting with the first page and going all the way to the end, or you can study only those parts where you know you need extra help.
Here are some suggestions for getting the most out of Barron’s IELTS:
- Look over the Table of Contents so you have an idea of what is in the book.
- Take a Model Test so you understand where you need more help.
- Become familiar with the directions for IELTS. Get to know what the task is. This will help you move quickly through the test.
- Study efficiently. If you don’t have much time, only study where you need extra help.
- Use strategies. These strategies will help you score well on IELTS.
- Use the explanatory answers. These answers will explain why an answer choice is wrong. For many of the items, the answers will only be approximate. Your· answer need not match the one provided as a sample.
- Study a little every day. Don’t fall behind. Keep at it.
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Barron’s IELTS, 5th Edition Book (PDF)
Barron’s IELTS, 5th Edition (Audio)
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One of the finest book for ielts preperation.