Grammar and Beyond Free download ( Cambridge University Press ) Randi Reppen, Laurie Blass, Susan Iannuzzi, Alice Savage, John Bunting and Luciana Diniz. PDF, Mp3 .

Grammar and Beyond is the result of years of research into how English works and the needs of today’s grammar teachers. Grammar and Beyond is a four-level American English series places special emphasis on grammar for writing.
As they prepare to write, students practise editing common mistakes – based on an extensive corpus of student writing. Then they apply the grammar in a writing task, making a clear connection between what they study and how they write. While the series places special emphasis on grammar for writing, all four skills are covered thoroughly.
– Real-World Contexts – students learn each structure in the context in which it most commonly appears, illustrating authentic usage
– Real-World Application – students practise using the grammar in ways they will be expected to outside the class, with a special emphasis on written form
– Real-World Writing – grammar is connected to writing through analysis of the most common ways that writers actually use the grammar
– How Grammar Really Works – students learn key differences between spoken and written English, as well as the most common structures..
Could you please make Grammar and beyond book 3 available. Thank you very much.