Free Download On Point Reading and Critical Thinking Skills | 1st Edition, 3 Levels (PDF, Audio, Resources) | Compass.

On Point is a three-volume series that teaches upper-intermediate and advanced learners of English to analyze, critically evaluate, and intelligently respond to texts. Featuring articles from popular media outlets, such as The Atlantic, The Independent, and The Telegraph, each unit centers on a high-interest topic and guides learners through engaging discussions and activities. Learners develop well-reasoned, supported opinions on a wide range of high-interest topics as they learn critical thinking and reading skills to better understand and evaluate what they read.The series also builds learners’ cross-disciplinary academic vocabulary. Focus vocabulary for each reading passage is chosen from the Academic Word List (AWL). Created by Averil Coxhead, this is a list of 570 words that are commonly used in written academic English across a wide range of fields.
>Download On Point 1. Reading and Critical Thinking Skills (Audio & PDF) |
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