Free Download Collins English for Life – Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing (PDF, Audio), 2012 – 2013.

Collins English for Life: Listening. Do you understand textbook English recordings but struggle to understand what you hear in real English situations? To improve your listening skills, you need to hear real conversations. That’s why Collins Listening is based entirely on 38 authentic everyday interactions to make sure that everything you learn is useful. From buying a mobile phone to asking for directions, joining a gym to understanding transport announcements, Listening will help you understand what is said to you, whatever the circumstances.
Collins English for Life: Speaking. To improve your speaking skills you need to learn how to get your message across in the right way and make sure people understand what you say. With Collins Speaking (A2) you will learn what to say and how to say it, by practising the right words, phrases and pronunciation.
Includes practice on:
– meeting new people – buying and ordering things – speaking on the phone – apologizing – asking for and giving opinions – making a complaint – agreeing and disagreeing;
– Twenty units with a clear design in full colour.
– Recordings of both native and non-native speakers of English, covering a wide variety of accents from around the world.
– Appendices contain detailed advice targeting specific speaking skills.
– Mini-dictionary with definitions of the most difficult words in each unit, taken from the Collins COBUILD dictionary.
– Answer key
Collins Speaking (A2) is part of the English for Life series. It is suitable for self-study and classroom use, and can help towards Cambridge ESOL KET preparation. Suitable for pre-intermediate learners of English (CEF level A2).
The English for Life series uses authentic material from the Collins Corpus. The 4.5-billion-word Collins Corpus is the world’s largest database of the English language and is updated every month.
Collins English for Life: Reading. To read fluently in all situations you need to practise reading different kinds of texts.
Collins Reading presents 20 different texts with exercises to help you develop the skills to read anything you come across.
Reading features authentic texts and a wide variety of styles to help you develop your reading skills, such as reading for general understanding and reading for detail.
Featured texts include:
– signs and labels
– advertisements
– newspapers
– brochures
– recipes
– classic and modern novels
– social networking sites
– blogs
Collins English for Life: Writing. Are you comfortable writing English in the classroom but nervous about writing in the real world? To write confidently in English you need to practise different styles of written English.
Collins Writing helps you recognize different styles and choose the right language to get your message across. The twenty units focus on a wide variety of texts so that you can feel just as comfortable writing a postcard or using social media online.
Learn to write as fluently as you speak, use the right tone, and use persuasive language to get the response you need.
Featured writing styles include:
– online reviews
– tweets
– instant messaging
– thank you letters
– emails
– job applications.
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Collins English for Life: Listening A2 Pre-Intermediate
Collins English for Life: Listening B1+ Intermediate
Collins English for Life:Listening B2+ Upper Intermediate
Collins English for Life: Speaking A2 Pre-Intermediate
Collins English for Life: Speaking B1+ Intermediate
Collins English for Life: Reading A2 Pre-Intermediate
Collins English for Life: Reading B1+ Intermediate
Collins English for Life B2+ Upper-Intermediate. Reading
Collins English for Life: Writing A2 Pre-Intermediate
Collins English for Life: Writing B1+ Intermediate
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