My First Grammar (Second Edition) 3 Levels – PDF, Resources

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My First Grammar (Second Edition)

The NEW edition of My First Grammar is still a fun and easy grammar series designed for lower elementary school students. In the series, students are presented with easy-to-understand charts that highlight each grammar target.

Lots of colorful images and photos help illustrate each target and fun activities continually keep students engaged. The new features make learning grammar even more fun and help students maintain the feeling of success and interest while learning.

My First Grammar (Second Edition) 1 - PDF, Resources

Student’s Book | Workbook
Test | Worksheet | Award certificate | Grammar charts | SB Lesson plan | PPT material | Syllabus charts | Syllabus

Sample $6.00
My First Grammar (Second Edition) 2 - PDF, Resources

Student’s Book | Workbook
Test | Worksheet | Award certificate | Grammar charts | SB Lesson plan | PPT material | Syllabus charts | Syllabus


My First Grammar (Second Edition) 3 - PDF, Resources

Student’s Book | Workbook
Test | Worksheet | Award certificate | Grammar charts | SB Lesson plan | PPT material | Syllabus charts | Syllabus



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