New Treetops | Second Edition, 5 Levels (PDF, Resources)

Download New Treetops, 5 Levels (PDF Student’s Book and Workbook, Class Audio | Teacher’s Resouces | Worksheets)

New Treetops

This edition offers 100% new and engaging content for the pupils and meets the needs of primary education with photographic culture pages, CLIL, citizenship and English legends.

New Treetops retains all the features of the first edition that teachers love; the delightful contexts, engaging songs, stories, classroom routines, and a fantastic resource package.

The much-loved characters embark on all new adventures in the original settings of the wood and seasons (Levels 1-3) and history and chivalry (Levels 4-5).

New Treetops 1 - PDF, Resources

Student’s Book and Workbook
Class Audio | Teacher’s Resouces | Worksheets

# Sample Student’s Book

New Treetops 2 - PDF, Resources

Student’s Book and Workbook
Class Audio | Teacher’s Resouces | Worksheets

# Sample Student’s Book

New Treetops 3 - PDF, Resources

Student’s Book and Workbook
Class Audio | Teacher’s Resouces | Worksheets

# Sample Student’s Book

New Treetops 4 - PDF, Resources

Student’s Book and Workbook
Class Audio | Teacher’s Resouces | Worksheets

# Sample Student’s Book

New Treetops 5 - PDF, Resources

Student’s Book and Workbook
Class Audio | Teacher’s Resouces | Worksheets

# Sample Student’s Book

New Treetops Resources

Dyslexia | Gold All CLIL | Knights Challenge | Libro Ponte Audio | Nature Club


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