Download Future Literacy (Student’s Book | Audio | Unit Test | Final Test | Midterm Test | Answer Key | Review Test | ETC | Lesson Plan | Syllabus | Tips & Ideas | Transcripts | Translations | Vocab Practice | Word List | Word Test | Writing Worksheets).

Future Literacy 30 is a three-book reading series for beginners in English. Learners can enjoy reading and building academic knowledge with fun and interesting passages. They can also build strong vocabulary and literacy skills by learning sight words and academic vocabulary related to the unit topic.
Future Literacy 50 is a reading series targeting beginner learners. The series features three books. This series works to build strong vocabulary and sentence-building skills by reading engaging and current non-fiction topics and practicing key patterns from the text. In the Literacy Upgrade section, students cycle through four learning areas–Vocabulary, Writing, Background Knowledge, and Digital Reading to build a comprehensive literacy foundation.
Future Literacy 80 is a reading series targeting beginner learners. The series features three books. This series works to build strong vocabulary and sentence-building skills by reading engaging and current non-fiction topics and practicing key patterns from the text. In the Literacy Upgrade section, students cycle through four learning areas–Vocabulary, Writing, Background Knowledge, and Digital Reading to build a comprehensive literacy foundation.
Future Literacy 100 is a reading series targeting beginner and intermediate learners. Each level features three books. This series works to build strong vocabulary and sentence-building skills by reading engaging and current non-fiction topics and practicing key patterns from the text. In the Literacy Upgrade section, students cycle through four learning areas, Vocabulary, Writing, Background Knowledge, and Digital Reading, to build a comprehensive literacy foundation.