Reading Jump Plus | 3 Levels (PDF, Resources) | Compass

Free Download Reading Jump Plus | 3 Levels (PDF, Resources) | Compass 2011.

Reading Jump Plus is a three-book reading series designed for students who began with Reading Jump, but functions well on its own. The series is specifically targeted for high-beginning to intermediate learners of English who seek additional opportunities to learn. Each reading passage within Reading Jump: Advanced has been designed with the EFL student in mind. The thematically grouped passages focus on entertainment, art, health or sports, the environment, science, social science, people, culture, nature, and history.

Every unit in Reading Jump: Advanced is designed to first stimulate the students’ interest about the topic. Brief and engaging introductions further activate learners’ curiosity. In addition, the number of key vocabulary introduced in each unit has been limited to ensure students are encountering mostly known words throughout each passage. A series of comprehension and writing questions ensure student understanding of key concepts and ideas.

* Engaging “Before You Read” section to generate additional curiosity
* Informative reading passages structured in familiar organizational patterns
* Limited target vocabulary items per unit that increase in number for higher level books
* Writing-based comprehension questions to develop learners’ skill
* Multiple vocabulary exercises alternating throughout each book
* Teaching tips for “Think & Write” activities available online
* Review tests available at
– Warm-Up: Two content-specific questions designed to stimulate interest and discussion
– Vocabulary Preview: Matching exercise with key vocabulary defined
– Before You Read: Brief introduction of the topic
– Reading Passage: Carefully graded passages with suggested time limits at the end of each
– Comprehension Check: Four multiple choice questions focusing on specific details of the passage and three open-ended writing questions provide for a complete understanding of the unit.
– Think & Write: Review of each unit
– Think & Speak: Three questions for further reflection of the topic
– Vocabulary Practice: Alternating puzzle, fill-in-the-blank summary, and multiple choice questions reinforcing vocabulary

>Download Reading Jump Plus 1. Audio
>Download Reading Jump Plus 1. Answerkey, wordlist, transcripts
>Download Reading Jump Plus 1. Tests
>Download Reading Jump Plus 2. Audio
>Download Reading Jump Plus 2. Answerkey, wordlist, transcripts
>Download Reading Jump Plus 2. Tests
>Download Reading Jump Plus 3. Audio
>Download Reading Jump Plus 3. Answerkey, wordlist, transcripts
>Download Reading Jump Plus 3. Tests
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