Technical Writing for Success, Third Edition (PDF)



Taking an applied approach to teaching workplace writing, Technical Writing for Success, 3rd Edition is a comprehensive text designed to focus on skills that employers demand in today’s workplace-thinking, listening, composing, revising, and editing. Students are encouraged to acquire many workplace skills through integrated and applied instruction so that mastering technical writing is relevant and exciting.


Abundant model documents reflect Office 2007 formats and include questions providing critical thinking opportunities. This comprehensive text features an engaging writing style, student and real-world models, write-to-learn activities, expanded oral presentation coverage, and much more.
Technical Writing for Success, 3rd Edition provides instruction on the less common documents not covered in general communication texts, e.g., proposals, news releases, science lab reports, and instructions. Chapter contents include technical research; writing for the Web; brief informative, brief investigative and recommendation reports; as well as technical reading.



    • “Communication Dilemma” focuses on happenings in the workplace that provide real-world situations for critical thinking.
    • “Communication Technologies” introduce cutting edge communication systems to broaden awareness of emerging technologies.
    • Chapter on “Technical Reading” equips students for reading in the workplace.
    • “Warm Up” activity in every section focuses students on what they already know about the subject.
    • “Stop and Think” exercises conclude each section to check comprehension and prepare students for the next section.
    • “Focus on Ethics” provides examples and scenarios of real-world ethical dilemmas for students to consider.
    • Chapter opening real-world model documents add relevance to the chapter.
    • “The Inside Track”, located at the end of the text, contains over 20 pages of suggestions and tips for improving technical writing style.
    • , a text-specific companion website, contains web links, additional web activities, crossword puzzles, and extra activities to complement the new Net Bookmarks feature in the text.

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