Interchange | 4th Edition, 4 Levels | Cambridge

Download Cambridge Interchange 4th Edition (High Quality PDF, Resources) Student’s Book + Workbook + Teacher’s Book + Audio CDs + Video DVD + MultiROM | Presentation Plus Windows.

Interchange is a four-level series for adult and young-adult learners of English from the beginning to the high-intermediate level. The Interchange builds on the foundations established for accurate and fluent communication, extending grammatical, lexical, and functional skills. Topics such as relationships, the media, self-improvement, business and advertising, and controversial issues are presented in unique ways using interesting real-life information. The Student’s Book contains 16 teaching units, frequent progress checks that allow students to assess and monitor their own learning, and a listening self-study section.

Interchange (4th Edition) Intro (High Quality PDF, Resources)

Interchange Intro Studen't Book.pdf
Interchange Intro Workbook.pdf
Interchange Intro Teacher's Book.pdf (Scan)

Interchange Intro Audio CD | Self-Study DVD
Interchange Intro Teacher's Book Audio | Teacher's Software

Interchange (4th Edition) 1 (High Quality PDF, Resources)

Interchange 1 Studen't Book.pdf
Interchange 1 Workbook.pdf
Interchange 1 Teacher's Book.pdf (Scan)

Interchange 1 Audio CD | Self-Study DVD
Interchange 1 Teacher's Book Audio | Teacher's Software

Interchange (4th Edition) 2 (High Quality PDF, Resources)

Interchange 2 Studen't Book.pdf
Interchange 2 Workbook.pdf
Interchange 2 Teacher's Book.pdf (Scan)

Interchange 2 Audio CD | Self-Study DVD
Interchange 2 Teacher's Book Audio | Teacher's Software

Interchange (4th Edition) 3 (High Quality PDF, Resources)

Interchange 3 Studen't Book.pdf
Interchange 3 Workbook.pdf
Interchange 3 Audio CD | Self-Study DVD

Interchange (4th Edition) Intro - Presentation Plus (Windows)

Windows All Versions

Interchange (4th Edition) 1 - Presentation Plus (Windows)

Windows All Versions

Interchange (4th Edition) 2 - Presentation Plus (Windows)

Windows All Versions

Interchange (4th Edition) 3 - Presentation Plus (Windows)

Windows All Versions

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