Effective Academic Writing (Second Edition) 4 Levels

Effective Academic Writing is a four-level academic writing skills course with integrated online practice and support that teaches the complete academic writing process from sentence level to researched essay.

Effective Academic Writing (Second Edition) 4 Levels

Effective Academic Writing instills student confidence and provides the tools necessary for successful academic writing. More content-area related assignments with more academic vocabulary and readings prepare students for the challenges of the academic classroom. Each unit introduces an academic content theme and writing task and guides students through the Writing Process The new Introductory Level provides students with the support and instruction they need for writing success in the lowest-level writing courses.

Good quality material .
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Effective Academic Writing (2e) Intro.pdf
Effective Academic Writing (2e) intro editors worksheets.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) intro final writing tests.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) intro midterm writing tests.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) intro sb answer keys.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) intro teachers notes.zip

Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 1.pdf
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 1 editors worksheets.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 1 final writing tests.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 1 midterm writing tests.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 1 sb answer keys.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 1 teachers notes.zip

Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 2.pdf
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 2 editors worksheets.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 2 final writing tests.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 2 midterm writing tests.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 2 sb answer keys.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 2 teachers notes.zip

Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 3.pdf
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 3 editors worksheets.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 3 final writing tests.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 3 midterm writing tests.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 3 sb answer keys.zip
Effective Academic Writing (2e) Level 3 teachers notes.zip

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