Download Oxford Teen2Teen 2011-2013 PDF, Audio, Video, iTools, Resources,…….. Author: Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher.

Oxford Teen2Teen – An American English lower secondary course with a gentle pace and real teen appeal.
With its teen appeal and carefully paced syllabus, Teen2Teen makes learning English irresistible and teaching English effortless.
Teen2Teen reflects the social nature of teenagers. Realistic language models and dialogues correspond to their patterns of communication, and controlled speaking practice exploits their enjoyment of social interaction, thus building their confidence. The grammar syllabus is carefully paced and clearly presented, and new vocabulary is taught explicitly using visual cues and definitions.
Part of the highly-successful Oxford Teen2Teen series, it helps students improve their vocabulary and vocabulary learning skills by presenting and practising over 1000 Idioms and Phrasal Verbs in everyday contexts. Lots of opportunity for personalization and review gives them the confidence to use their new vocabulary.
Key features:
- The fictional Teen2Teen Friends social network site activities reflect the social nature of teens and the way they communicate with their friends
- Conversations reflect natural spoken language, including idiomatic phrases and teenage expressions
- Clear signposting, controlled introduction of new language, and traditional grammar-based progression fits every teaching style, including large class sizes and allowing for even the most minimal teacher preparation time
- Extra practice worksheets, flashcards for vocabulary drilling, and tests form an extensive teacher support package for teachers of all levels of experience
- Reading strategies are introduced in the upper levels in preparation for upper secondary, as well as world and cultural themes that will appeal to teenagers’ curiosity.
Teen2Teen provides a comfortable balance between a traditional grammar syllabus and structured listening and speaking practice. This four-level American English course for lower secondary is supportive for both the teacher and the student. Presentation of new language (target grammar and vocabulary) is simple, coherent, transparent, and explicit. Rubrics are written in clear language, reducing the amount of students’ first language in the classroom. The grammar syllabus is very carefully paced, allowing students to grasp key areas before moving onto more challenging structures.
The course recognizes that typical classrooms contain large mixed-ability classes and sometimes few resources. Teen2Teen offers an easy-to-use unit structure, allowing for minimal teacher preparation time. More experienced and confident teachers can customize their classes with additional practice and features such as the Chat, an optional extension activity in which students take turns reading their personalized versions of a conversation model with a partner.
Vocabulary, grammar, and social language are continuously reinforced throughout each unit (not merely presented independently), offering multiple opportunities to practice the target language and increasing memorability.
A particular feature of the course is its teen appeal. The content reflects the way teenagers live and communicate; their likes and dislikes; their friends; their dreams and aspirations; and their curiosity to learn about the world. The natural, social language models and conversations, and the Teen2Teen fictional social network site feature mirror the way today’s teenagers communicate with each other in the real world. Unit and reading topics have been chosen to appeal to teenagers, as have the brightly colored photographs and illustrations.
The course does not assume existing linguistic, world, or cultural knowledge. New concepts are taught explicitly, using visual cues and definitions. Cross-curricular work is presented in the form of optional reading lessons covering geography, science, social studies, art, and other subjects, and accompanied by projects which enable students to extend their knowledge of the curriculum area in English. The full course package offers support for teachers of all levels of experience. The Teacher’s edition includes step-by-step teaching notes, with at-a-glance answer keys for easy lesson planning. Answers to the students’ exercises are overwritten on an image of the Student Book on each of the spreads, while further notes and longer answers, plus ideas for warmers and extra or extension activities are given in the notes around the edge of the page. The integrated CD-ROM of Teacher Resources includes extra Grammar, Vocabulary, and Reading worksheets, Interactive Grammar Presentations, Vocabulary Flashcards for drilling, editable Tests, a Grammar Bank of supplementary grammar exercises, and Puzzles.