Vocabulary for Achievement

Houghton Mifflin. Vocabulary for Achievement (PDF). Vocabulary for Achievement by Houghton Mifflin will give you chance to practice your vocabulary in a thorough way.

Vocabulary for Achievement

Lessons include reading comprehension, vocabulary enrichment and writing exercises. The given book promotes dictionary (using a Thesaurus to find synonyms), test-taking (ACT Reading Comprehension Test, the Test of Standard Written English) and reading (Context Clues and the Reading of Primary Sources) skills’ development.
+ The Science of Language.
+ Honesty and Deception.
+ Movement.
+ Persuation and Argument.
+ Wrongdoing and Justice.
+ Reverence and Irreverence.
+ Plenty and Excess.
+ Size and Amount.
+ Emotions, Humor, Art, etc.

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