Grammar and Beyond Essentials | 4 Levels | Cambridge

Download Grammar and Beyond Essentials (4 Levels) PDF, Audio CD. A four-level grammar course for use on its own or as a companion text alongside other coursebooks.

Grammar and Beyond Essentials

Research-based and content-rich grammar series for beginning- to advanced-level students. The series focuses on the most commonly used English grammar structures and practices all four skills in a variety of authentic and communicative contexts. It is designed for use both in a grammar course or as a supplement to other Academic English courses. Each Student’s Book includes access to the Online Workbook.

Grammar and Beyond Essentials 1 (High Quality PDF, Audio)

Grammar and Beyond Essentials 1 Student's Book.pdf
Grammar and Beyond Essentials 1 Classroom Audio

Grammar and Beyond Essentials 2 (High Quality PDF, Audio)

Grammar and Beyond Essentials 2 Student's Book.pdf
Grammar and Beyond Essentials 2 Classroom Audio

Grammar and Beyond Essentials 3 (High Quality PDF, Audio)

Grammar and Beyond Essentials 3 Student's Book.pdf
Grammar and Beyond Essentials 3 Classroom Audio

Grammar and Beyond Essentials 4 (High Quality PDF, Audio)

Grammar and Beyond Essentials 4 Student's Book.pdf
Grammar and Beyond Essentials 4 Classroom Audio

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