IELTS Preparation and Practice | Second Edition

Free Download IELTS Preparation and Practice | Second Edition

IELTS Preparation and Practice Academic Writing

A series providing comprehensive preparation for the IELTS. With Practice Tests with annotated key.

DescriptionA series providing comprehensive preparation for the IELTS. Now with Practice Tests with annotated key.
How can it be used?
For use in the classroom and for individual study.

Key featuresThe series is a complete training course for students intending to sit the IELTS (International English Language Testing System).
It reflects the format of the test and develops the necessary skills for each module. The series offers separate titles for the Academic Modules and the General Modules.
Practice tests are provided, together with step-by-step descriptions and models of how to answer test questions.
Includes useful tips.
Answer Key and transcripts of all listening tasks.
The contributing authors are accredited IELTS examiners.
The material is suitable for use in class and for self-study.
The new edition of the Listening and Speaking Book and Cassettes incorporate the changes to the exam.

>Download IELTS Preparation and Practice: Listening and Speaking (PDF, Audio)
>Download IELTS Preparation and Practice. Reading and Writing. Academic module.pdf
>Download IELTS Preparation and Practice: Practice Tests with Key.pdf
>Download IELTS Preparation and Practice: Practice Tests. Audio CD
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