Download Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test – More Practice Tests (4th).

More Practice Tests will give you the practice you need to do well on the new Toeic test. When you take the test in this book, you should pretend that you are actually taking the Toeic test. Make sure that you have enough time to complete each section of the test. It is not necessary to take the whole test all at once if you do not have enough time. However, you should not spend more time than is allowed for each part.
The answers for the Practise Tests are in the back of book.Each answer has a short explanation. These explanations refer you to study materials found in order books in the Longman Preparation Series For The New Toeic Test.
You will find a Conversation Table and Chart on page 261-262. The table and chart will give you an approximation of what your Toeic test score might be. Please note that this is an approximation, not an actual Toeic test score.
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Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test – More Practice Tests (4th) PDF
Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test – More Practice Tests (4th) CD
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