Ways of the IELTS Winners – Abrahaim J

Abrahaim J. Ways of the IELTS Winners (PDF). Cambridge University Press,December 25, 2012.

Ways of the IELTS Winners – Abrahaim J

The author is a non-native speaker and has himself scored band 9 in the IELTS. He is a professional IELTS tutor, and has helped thousands of students across the world score 7+ in the IELTS.

Why spending two hours with this book can save you weeks of prep time?

There are hundred of Websites and thousands of books floating around for IELTS prep.

Just to cull out the relevant study material, preparation course can take days of effort.

Even then you run the risk of picking up the incorrect material that does not help you reach your potential.

Also, IELTS is more about the application of concepts rather than the learning of concepts.

Most of the books and coaching classes teach you about the concepts rather than how to apply these to the IELTS.

With this book, you will learn how the IELTS winners take the same study material as everybody else, put in the same effort, yet come out with flying colors.

As you might think, it is not that they are gifted, if that alone were the cause, there would not be multiple examples of people improving their scores by 3 + points in the second attempt.

You will learn about how the IELTS winners plan, how they think, what material they use.

You will learn about how they think, how they boost their confidence, how they ‘Visualize’ success.

You will also learn about what they avoid studying, what they focus on and what they leave to luck.

How do IELTS winners study from the same books, spend the same time, yet come our with a much higher score than the average student?

If you think IELTS winners spend months studying, there could be nothing further from the truth.

I have seen students study for years, leave alone months, yet end up with an average score.

If you think IELTS winners have a 150+ Iq, again there could be nothing further from truth.

There are hundreds of students, who have managed to get the Band 9 in IELTS, but done very poorly on other standardized tests like the Act, the Mensa or graduate level tests like the Gmat.

If Iq alone were responsible for standardized test performance, then these students would have a consistent result across all the tests, but a high Iq by itself will never mean a high IELTS score.

There are a certain set of qualities that the IELTS winners have though, and these are the qualities and abilities that enable them to become IELTS winners.

In this book, you will learn about these qualities, and more importantly how to inculcate them within yourself.

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Ways of the IELTS Winners Book

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