Download Schur Norman W. British English from A to Z (PDF).

British English A to Zed / Norman W. Schur with Eugene Ehrlich.—Rev. and
updated ed, 450 p. Printed in the United States of America.
A rigorously researched, wickedly witty, and eminently useful collection of nearly 5, 000 Briticisms (and Americanisms)
British English A to Zed is the most comprehensive guide to everyday English as it is spoken on both sides of the Atlantic. No longer will you be left confused when someone asks to borrow your biro (ballpoint pen) or your housewife (sewing kit). This updated and revised edition includes more than 5,000 words from sources as diverse as London businesses and Bridget Jones’s Diary, as well as lively, up-to-date discussions of British pronunciation, punctuation, and style; units of measure; automotive terms; cricket terms; and much more. Arranged alphabetically by Briticism, entries feature their corresponding Americanisms as well as details about usage. For readers, travelers, and Anglophiles everywhere, this entertaining and authoritative resource is a cultural delight.