English Made Easy – Tuttle Publishing

Download English Made Easy Volume One, Two: A New ESL Approach: Learning English Through Pictures Revised Edition, Tuttle Publishing, 2006 – 2015.

English Made Easy – Tuttle Publishing

English Made Easy is a fun and user-friendly way to learn English

It is a breakthrough in English language learning—imaginatively exploiting how pictures and text can work together to create understanding and help learners learn more productively. It gives beginner English learners easy access to the vocabulary, grammar and functions of English as it is commonly used in a comprehensive range of social situations. Self–guided students and classroom learners alike will be delighted by the way they are helped to progress smoothly from one unit to the next, using a combination of pictures and text to discover for themselves how English works. The pictorial method used in this book is based on a thorough understanding of language structure and how language is successfully learned. The authors are experienced English language teachers with strong backgrounds in language analysis and language learning.

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